healthy summer smiles start here

Healthy Summer Smiles Start Here!

During the dog days of summer, you might be considering not only which swimsuit to wear to the pool, but what sweet treats to enjoy. However, it is important that patients be aware of the foods and beverages they are consuming as they can have a positive—or negative—effect on the health of the teeth and gums. Dr. Claudia B. Cortadi of Ablantis Dental in Encinitas, California encourages patients to think twice about their summer sweets to ensure maintenance of a healthy smile. Our dental clinic Encinitas is pleased to provide recommendations for our patients.

Summer snacks that have a negative effect on the smile

During the summer months, many patients crave sweet treats such as lemonade, popsicles, and ice cream. While these are often great choices to cool down on a hot summer day, they may also have a negative impact on the health of the teeth and gums. Unfortunately, the consumption of high levels of sugar are not only bad for the waistline, but bad for the smile. Sugar itself does not pose the problem, but it’s contribution to developing cavities should be strongly considered before reaching for those sugary drinks and foods. Sugar attracts harmful bacteria in the smile, and when it is not removed from the teeth with brushing and flossing, it can turn into acids that can wear down teeth enamel and significantly increase a patient’s risk of developing cavities. Sticky snacks that remain on the teeth can also turn into plaque and tartar, even calculus which is hard to remove from the teeth.

Reducing sugar intake

The quick fix is to reduce or even eliminate sugar intake, but this is not always possible for some of our patients. Instead, patients who are consuming sugary snacks should be proactive about brushing and flossing the teeth immediately after to ensure sugars do not remain on the teeth and gums. However, this isn’t always possible, so rinsing the mouth with water may suffice until patients can brush their teeth.

What food are healthy for the smile?

In contrast, Dr. Claudia B. Cortadi of Ablantis Dental may make recommendations regarding foods that are healthier for the smile. There are various substitutions that patients can make to swap out sugary foods for more appropriate alternatives. Instead of eating ice cream, make a swap for some low-fat frozen yogurt. Instead of hydrating with a sports drink or soda, consider water or water infused with fruits for taste. When you are craving crunchy candy bars, reach instead for carrots and celery. Your smile will thank you for making these healthy swaps whenever possible, though it can be difficult for those with a sweet tooth to continually make these alternatives a reality!

How can I care for my smile?

In addition to eating the right foods for oral health and wellness, patients need to take a proactive approach to preventing problems with the smile as well. Conditions such as periodontal disease and tooth decay play a significant role in the destruction of the natural smile. Patients should brush and floss every day, and visit their dentist at least every six months for a professional dental cleaning in Encinitas. Certain cosmetic procedures such as professional teeth whitening in Encinitas can be used as well to boost dull or discolored teeth.

Are you interested in learning more about ways to keep your smile healthy this summer?

Dr. Claudia B. Cortadi and her team at Ablantis Dental are excited to offer new and established patients with the information they need to maintain a beautiful smile all year round! If you reside in the community of Encinitas, California and are considering ways to keep the teeth and gums healthy and attractive, finding a team that offers dental exams near you is your first step! Call the office at (760) 334-0128 to book an appointment at our practice, located at 351 Santa Fe Drive, Suite #110.

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