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How To Get A Beautiful Smile At Your Local Dentist!

Here at Ablantis Dental We Know How Much You Want To Have a Perfect Smile…

Over the years we’ve learned that each and every patient who walks through the doors at Ablantis Dental has a vision of their perfect celebrity like smile. We’ve also learned that each and every patient who wants that perfect smile has their own reasons. You know the kind of smile we’re talking about. It’s the kind of shimmering white smile that lights up a room.  It’s the kind of smile that conveys confidence and reliability. It’s free of stains and contour-distorting enamel build-ups. It’s free of chipped, crooked,misshapen, and overlapping teeth. It’s the smile of serenity and success and it’s a beautiful thing.

But the simple fact is that many people are embarrassed by their smile. They avoid laughing with colleagues. They avoid smiling at strangers. They even avoid family photos. This doesn’t have to be the case!

At Ablantis Dental we offer a variety of procedures and treatments designed to give you a perfect Julia Robert’s smile and improve your overall dental health. Dr. Claudia B. Cortadi has 27-years of experience with crowns, veneers, bonding and dental implants, enamel re-contouring, laser gum re-contouring, night guards and sports guards, and in-office whitening treatments. 

For That wonderful Smile Regular Dental Visits: Where Knowledge is Power

For Dr. Cortadi, dentistry goes beyond treating teeth. Each visit is also an opportunity for her to communicate with her patients and improve their lives. Always remember: your bi-annual dental visits are more than a cleaning and a general examination. While checking for cavities and gum diseases is essential, regular visits are an opportunity to talk about how your lifestyle is impacting your smile and how simple steps like changing up your flossing and brushing habits can help. Remember, there’s a proper technique to brushing and flossing. No one is more qualified and better equipped to teach and reinforce proper techniques than a dental professional. There is also no one more qualified and better equipped to give you a perfect celebrity like smile. Regular dental visits are the best time to learn about and discuss your options from your dentist!

Common & Preferred Alternatives For A Beautiful Smile Aren’t Always Commonly Known

It’s easy to get accustomed to one kind of dental care. This isn’t only true for patients; it’s true for dentists, too.Even today, many dentists don’t use tooth-colored fillings unless they’re requested by their patient. This can leave unknowing patients with a shiny surprise embedded in their open-mouth smile. Here at Ablantis Dental, we use tooth-colored fillings so that your smile will appear natural from every angle!

The twinkle of an antique filling isn’t the only metallic item raising a lot of patient’s dental bills unnecessarily these days. Many dental patients with crooked, crowded, and overlapping teeth who are looking to improve their smile wind up wearing expensive orthodontic braces needlessly. Enamel re-contouring is a simple, painless procedure that gives your smile the uniformity you’ve been looking for without the headaches – both the financial and literal headaches – associated with braces!

What You Probably Didn’t Consider About Your Smile

A smile is only as strong as its weakest tooth. Many patients don’t realize that their smile is an excellent indicator of their overall dental health. Even a single discolored or weakened tooth can be a signal that all is not right. By sharing your concerns with your dentist about even the slightest dulling, pain or sensitivity you may very well be preventing the spread of a periodontal disease.

In the same way that a single tooth can be the bearer of bad news, it can also save your smile. Oftentimes when patients consider in-office treatments to brighten, whiten, correct or perfect their smile they only envision cosmetic procedures that treat every tooth in their mouth equally. But this isn’t always necessary. A crown can restore a single tooth’s shape, shine and strength.

Want That Celebrity like Smile? Cosmetic Procedures Are For Everyone – Even Regular Brushers!

At Ablantis Dental we understand that damaged or yellowed teeth aren’t necessarily indicators of neglect. The fact is that even patients who brush after every meal aren’t in the clear – no one is! Diet,environmental factors, and genetics all play a role in your smile’s shade.That’s why many patients whose discolored teeth aren’t connected to periodontal concerns often choose dental veneers. After removing a small layer of enamel,these thin porcelain shells are attached to the front of your teeth only and are designed to match your natural tooth color.

Bonding accomplishes much of the same results as veneers but without removing any enamel. In fact, bonding works with the natural chemistry of your teeth. It’s a process wherein the dentin and enamel already found on your teeth combines – or bonds – with materials your dentist applies to problem areas, or your whole smile! These bonding materials include a porcelain resin that adds shine and strength to your smile.

Some of the most healthy smiles we see at Ablantis Dental are skewed by gums that rest too high or too low on a patient’s teeth. Laser gum re-contouring can reshape your mouth so that those picturesque pearly whites you work so hard for have the even,healthy-looking frame they’ve always deserved!

For Your Wonderful Celebrity like Smile Dr. Cortadi is On Guard!

So much of the damage that can be done to your smile is out of your control. Many patients grind their teeth while sleeping. Many patients play unpredictable – and exciting – contact sports. For you, Dr.Cortadi is on guard! Night guards and sports guards are common and necessary –and in the case of contact sports like boxing, football, and hockey mandatory – dental equipment for patients the world over. Your smile will thank you!

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